How to become fat


Although obesity is one of the most important problems of our time and the most troublesome for individuals, but the excessive thinness pose a bigger problem in some people who have characterized their bodies not rapid susceptibility to weight gain or access to the ideal weight; as the lack of weight than normal reduces the attractiveness of the person lean, and make it captivated ridicule others, it also could face a big problem in finding his clothes sizes.

The reasons for excessive thinness

Excessive thinness may result from many causes, including: genetic factor or having a health problem suffered by the person; disorder secretions of the thyroid gland, or diabetes, or intestinal worms, or malabsorption of food, in addition to psychological problems; Kalasbah, constant tension, that increase the burn rate of the body. Whatever the reason, the people who suffer from such a problem trying to fatten themselves in any way to get a form acceptable to others and improving public health.

Ways to fatten the body quickly

  • Eat main meals in pleasant places to improve appetite; open Kalmnatq in the home garden or in a nice restaurant, for example, taking care to eat a meal with family or friends.
  • Divide your meals instead of three meals to five meals a day and with the need to focus on the introduction of foods containing starches and carbohydrates; such as bread, pasta, potatoes, and whole grains in most daily meals.
  • Increase the proportion of foods that contain sugars and beneficial fats and proteins; red such as meat and dairy products are full-fat, poultry and desserts, and legumes such as chickpeas and beans, ice cream, avoiding soft drinks and fast food because it although they are high in calories and their ability to gain weight but it is a poor in nutritional value and return serious health harms of.
  • Eat food as feeling hungry with no postponement of the meal schedule, and do not eat a meal preferably be exaggerated, because it does not give the desired results in weight gain is required to limit.
  • Allocating large dining tools in size and increase the amount of food, it will spur on eating all the existing quantity of food.
  • Use of entrees to open the appetite; such as dates, and authorities before a meal, as can some drugs Fatiha eating appetite as vitamin B6.
  • Stay away from drinking water before and after the main meals directly, because this method reduces the desire to eat.
  • Use a powder or protein powder, which is sold to markets under the supervision of a physician if all previous methods failed.
  • Some exercise Statistics that helps open the appetite, and increases in muscle building and fattening body faster.

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