Strengthening muscles herbs

Strengthen muscles herbal


1. The exercise and the continuation of the movement, especially pulling a muscle exercises that work to strengthen the muscles.

2. improve the quality of eating and maintain a healthy diet and healthy and that contain proteins.

3. Bertqalten daily intake greatly help to strengthen the muscles.

4. Stay away from foods that contain fat and cholesterol significantly.

5. Drink water quantity and abundant so that men drink 13 cups and 8 cups for women.

6. eating vegetables and fruits between meals and focus on the crushed oats, which in turn works to stimulate the muscles.

7. eating two tablespoons of molasses per day because it contains iron.

8. eat durian dates and preferred dates 7 3 times a day, especially before meals.

9. egg whites daily intake of protein food item considered important and integrated.

10. to build muscle tissue eating fish, especially salmon and tuna, they are full of protein and omega-3 nutrients.

11. Eat nuts such as almonds, called drug muscle and is the best source of alpha-tock Ferrol vitamin E, which is absorbed by the body and helps to reduce the demolition of muscle tissue

12. drinking milk and milk "a little fat" because they are protein carbohydrate mixture help to fast-track construction.

13. prevent muscle breakdown by the most important food item which is olive oil, which is considered unsaturated fatty meal.

14. eating pineapple fruit characterized by its proximity to the enzyme helps to speed up the digestion and extraction of protein foods and called this enzyme Balbroo two miles and has an important role in the treatment of inflammation and muscle pain caused by exercise and have an important role in stimulating the metabolism and burn fat.

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