How many muscles of the human body ?

human body

The human body contains 206 bones including 22 bone found in the human skull, but if we talked to the muscles and this is what we'll talk about it, we find that the human body contains 620 different muscle, the most powerful masseter muscle between the jaws, and the largest thigh muscle. If you look at the muscle in your sleeve you'll find it is a strong and flexible fabric makes the body move.

In the daily life of human muscle is used in various types of movement, when eating jaw muscle used for chewing food, and help other muscles in turning food into the stomach or intestines, and chest muscles makes breathing possible. Muscle covering all the human body, and when growth is increasing muscle size, and at puberty become muscle half body weight.


Muscle types

Muscles are divided into two basic types; structural and other smooth muscles, and is at the heart of its own muscle combine skeletal muscle and smooth.

Skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle functions

  • The cohesion of the bones structure
  • Give shape and stent
  • Move the body.

Skeletal muscles constitute the bulk of the legs, forearms, abdomen, chest, neck and face.

Skeletal muscle skeletal muscle works in two ways work the way, they are working in the duplication:
  • Flexor: detailed bend where the party comes close to the body
  • Extensor: The contrast to the previous post.
For example: the biceps at the front of the upper arm is bent, and when to contract this muscle bends the facility and move the forearm and hand hand shoulder, located muscle triceps behind humerus and be extensor, and when constrict correct facility and forearm and hand move away from the facility.

At the same time biceps relax so that you can triceps muscle that attracted back to the origin. Sometimes called voluntary muscles; they move involuntarily under conscious control, and skeletal muscles involuntarily moving without conscious control, for example, involuntary movement occurs when a person's hand away from a hot object automatically without thinking about it.

Smooth muscle

These muscles are smaller than skeletal muscle fibers, and containing a single nucleus.

The whereabouts of the smooth muscle
  • The wall of the stomach and intestines, blood vessels, bladder
  • Skeletal muscle; in smooth muscle fibers is planned.
Way smooth muscle action
  • Working slowly and automatic rhythmic contraction followed by relaxation of the normal system, and in this way to move various body processes
  • Smooth muscle known as involuntary muscles because they are not under the control of the conscious brain.

Heart muscle

The functioning of the heart muscle

When constrict cells, pushing the blood in the arteries outside the heart, and spins the blood everywhere in the body, bringing food to Khalaaa.tjma heart muscle between the qualities of skeletal muscle and smooth; to contain the Takttat structural Kaladilat, and contains all the muscle cell attack on one nucleus to contract automatically , such as smooth muscle fibers.

What happens when the muscle exercise?

* When a person raise several heavy weights for a short period each day, will grow more muscle; this exercise makes the muscle nucleus increase in the production of yarn thick and thin. * When the person performing light exercise regularly for a long time, such as swimming for thirty minutes more than the muscle fibers in their ability to energy that you need to maintain such a muscular effort production.

Sometimes it happens confusion natural to work the muscles; the person feels sometimes painful muscle strain if he exercises uphill for a long time. Cramps structural muscles include muscle contraction spastic, no one knows why it happens like this cramps accurately? It is likely to be the reason for an increase or too much fluid surrounding the lack of salts muscle fibers.

Using the proper rest and nutrition the body can correct the situation and stop cramps, muscle tension that can occur in the smooth muscle stomach and intestines, doctors and uses heat, massage and medicines in the treatment of muscular tension. May cause muscle work hard skeletal muscle rupture; In severe cases continues to rip up to four days, it is likely to be due to muscle and connective tissue damage, and the right workout and muscle the body can adapt muscular hard work, and far less than the risk of tissue damage.

Muscle diseases

Muscle atrophy: the nervous system and attacks the nerves of the disease that stimulate the muscles, and this leads to nerve damage, muscle and thus gradually shrink and become weak, for example by motor neuron disease.

Poor muscle: muscle weakness occurs in it; because the muscle itself is not working as it should, and is characterized by some muscular disorders, structural gradual atrophy of the muscles.

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