Strengthen the hand muscles
We know that everything we do needs to force the hands movement from driving and even lace, all you need to power and flexibility of the hands and wrists, Alzendan, and keep in mind that all of these members are exposed always to the physical effort that can damage the nerves and tendons, muscles and tissues soft, and can lead to infection or recurring pain in the wrist injuries.That muscle movement serve to mitigate the risk of Baltebs, and strengthen public and skill finger movement, and can do some exercises or all of the exercises at least three times each week.
1 -lab intensity (Card Gaming Community): -
Sit relaxed on the floor and delivered a handful of playing cards in front of you, and every time receiving therein any paper taken by your right hand, repeat training so that they can pick up all the cards with one hand, and through it you attention to the breathing system and to rate the effort while trying to paper capture.The usefulness of this exercise:
Training improves coordination between eyes, hands and fingers skill use process.
2. D training fingers:
A. Stretch out your hand and the simplest to the annexation of the fingers of your hands forward to making some of them with the thumb toward the big toe.B. extend your fingers and your thumb as far away as possible after the annexation of your fingers to each other, repeat the process of conquest and annexation of 15 to 20 times.
The usefulness of this exercise:
Improve finger dexterity and range of motion.
3. bend the wrist and duration:
A. Put your hands in front of you and extend your arms and wrists straight ups and face Rahta hands down. He commended wrists and fingers towards the face of the earth. Keep this position even count to five. D now wrists and training Repeat five times.B. Reverse the trend Wolf wrists until your fingers moving to the top. Keep this position until the end of the count to five. D wrists and repeat training five times.
The usefulness of this exercise:
Strengthen the wrists and Alzendan and help you get rid of the distress caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.
4. strengthening the hand and ulna:
A. Hold the towel wrapped after the level of your chest and extend your arms and face Rahta your hands down and your hands on the level of distance between your shoulders. Now drag the ends of the towel opposite directions for the construction of a state of tension.B. Keep your arms Mstqimitan also maintained on the degree of tension and you are constipated Toweling. Wrap the towel forward and then back. Repeat the training of 10 to 15 times.
The usefulness of this exercise:
Double hand strength and ulna and increase the flexibility of movement in the wrist.
5 - pressing the palms of the hand:
A. Press the palms of your hands to some in front of your chest and let your fingers moving to the top. Keep the palms of your hands and lift conjoined Kuaak until you feel traction in Zndik, now kept in this position for a period ranging between 10 to 15 seconds.B. Reverse the situation: Place your hands surface are becoming close proximity with directing fingers down. Keep this position for a period ranging between 10 to 15 minutes.
Strengthening the hand muscles