Strengthening the thigh muscles

Strengthen thigh muscles

Before beginning the exercises work prefer warm compresses to warm the muscles and flexibility and after completion of the exercise, massage and knee muscle with ice to reduce pain and swelling as a result of the exercises ...

Thigh muscle is one of the larger muscles of the body size and length, and the emergence of the thigh muscles give the beautiful to the man in the eyes of women, and the benefits of the thigh muscles is delayed disability walking in old age into old age and the preservation of knee injuries, so try to Train in the front thigh and back muscle through this exercises.


First Exercise:
This exercise is divided into four groups, each group 10 iterations Stand straight with making the distance between the feet is a big ups and downs, and is supported on the knees and back should remain straight.

Exercise II:
Sleeping taking into account the land to be back straight and lift one foot to the top and then the second switch and repeat this exercise feet consists of three groups and each group by 15 repeat.

Third Exercise:
This exercise depends to sit on the seat and then make the back straight with your feet and bend your knees and feet down to the ground and then lifted and so repeat this exercise three times each Mrart and 10 iterations.

Exercise Four:
Running in the garden or in the house for a period of 10 minutes and be slow speed before running at full speed 30 seconds

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Strengthening the thigh muscles
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